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Year 1
Freshman - Foundation

It is a transformative period filled with new experiences, academic challenges, and personal growth.

Ring of Light Bulbs


Critical Thinking in Real World

Emphasizes the application of critical thinking in various contexts to challenge one to evaluate information, solve problems, and make informed decisions. Through engaging case studies and interactive discussions, one learn to navigate complex issues, consider multiple perspectives, and develop sound reasoning abilities.


Management Communication

The Management Communication module is designed to enhance one's communication skills within the context of business and organizational management by focusing on written and oral communication strategies.

Business meeting


Introductory Statistics

The Introductory Statistics course provides a foundational understanding of statistical concepts and methodologies. Designed to demystify the world of data, this course covers essential topics such as data analysis, probability, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis.


Core Modules

This includes Economics and Society, Writing and Reasoning, Big Questions, Financial Accounting, Business Law and Decision Analysis

Year 2
Sophomore - Core

Continued journey of self-discovery, academic growth,

and the development of a more refined sense of purpose.

Colorful Shopping Bags


Consumer Behaviour

Consumer Behavior module offers a comprehensive exploration of the factors influencing individual and group decision-making in the marketplace. It also delves into topics such as motivation, perception, attitude formation, and the impact of advertising.


AI and Humanity

AI and Humanity module equips one with the knowledge and critical thinking skills to navigate the evolving relationship between AI and humanity, fostering a nuanced understanding of the opportunities and challenges presented by AI technologies.

Digital Gadgets


Working and Managing
in a Digital World

The Working and Managing in a Digital World module equips one with the skills necessary to thrive in a digitally driven work environment, fostering adaptability and effective management in an increasingly interconnected world.


Other Core Modules

This includes Marketing, Finance, Operations Management, Management Accounting and Management of People at Work

Year 3
Junior - Majoring in Marketing & Strategy

Specialized and complex studies to prepare for the culmination of academic pursuits.

Sticky Notes


Design Thinking & Innovation

Collaborated on a project with Temasek Shophouse using Design Thinking tools to envision Handy Green as a versatile space designed for collective and community use.


Digital Marketing

Assisted DMK Shoes in developing an extensive year-long digital marketing campaign with my groupmates. Collaborate on designing strategies, content creation, and implementation to enhance the brand's online presence and engagement throughout the entire year.

Creative Work
Business representative


Services Marketing

Assist our client, Prudential, in enhancing their services marketing, with a particular focus on improving call center operations, through thorough research and analysis.



Analyze and comprehend Nubank's operating system to strategize its potential expansion into chosen Asian countries.

Team Project
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